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Catholic Art and Jewelry

Bumper Magnet / Big Fridge Magnet – Sacred Heart – 6.4x4 inches – Sturdy Vinyl, Sticks Good

Bumper Magnet / Big Fridge Magnet – Sacred Heart – 6.4x4 inches – Sturdy Vinyl, Sticks Good

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Show your Sacred Heart pride on your car, or use it to hang up on your fridge, or to decorate any metal surface with a flag of the Sacred Heart magnet. 6.4x4 inches, big enough to been seen and counted. The image is really sharp on this. High quality vinyl magnet. You must have a metal surface, so if your bumper is plastic, you'll need to use the side of your car. Easily peel on and off. Reusable forever.

The Flag of the Sacred Heart, or Carillon Flag (in French, "Drapeau Carillon Sacré Coeur"), is a Catholic flag dating back to the 1600s. It was used by French Canadians in Quebec, and gets its name for being their standard in the 1758 Battle of Carillon, in which they decisively defeated an overwhelmingly superior British force.

The fleurs-de-lis in the corners are an old French symbol representing the Trinity; and the large white cross, sort of invisible as a design element separating the blue fields, is at root of course the Cross of Christ. The white cross in a blue field was the design of the French merchant flag, which this flag is based on. It is also the model for thr Quebec flag, the white cross in a blue field with the fleurs-de-lis in the corners. The Sacred Heart flag was used widely by Canadian Catholics at an official level until the 1950s.

Thanks for your support of our Catholic art project.

Pax tibi,

Sue and John

This restoration of the flag is copyright (c) Sue Kouma Johnson

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