Our Lady of Guadalupe Golden Oval Rosary Centerpiece
Our Lady of Guadalupe Golden Oval Rosary Centerpiece
Rosary center piece with original Guadalupe design by Sue Kouma Johnson.
In 1530, Mary appeared and spoke with Blessed Juan Diego, a poor peasant of Mexico. She asked that a church be built in her honor. As a sign that she was from heaven, she imprinted her image as she appeared to him on his cloak, which survives to this day. She is shown as an Indian girl, with Child. Soon after the church was built, human sacrifice came to an end there. She is the patroness of the unborn and patroness of the Americas.
I painted the original picture on paper in acrylics and colored pencil, and used a tiny print of it to design this rosary centerpiece for those who like to make rosaries.
Any of my other images may be substituted for the Guadalupe image. Just look through the section of my shop called "Medals" and choose the image you like best. Then, attach a message to your order, informing me of your choice.
I have adhered the tiny print to a pre-made golden bezel.
Measures approximately 1"(inch) high by 7/8" wide by 1/8" thick.